Friday, October 23, 2009


I just came back from Budokan where I listened to a flumpool concert! My tension is high!!!

For a band that only had their major debut last year, filling the whole concert venue two evenings in a row is really something! (90% of the guests were girls, it seemed. xD)
Of course, they still need to improve a lot, like Ryuta's microphone interaction, but wow!
I ended up buying the jacket and a T-shirt and a wrist band and their pamphlet. Now I'm broke for this month. ^^;
But wow, really! It's actually the first time I was able to see a band I really like live, as I mostly only listen to Japanese music and most of the artists I like don't come to Europe. Speaking of that, I must, must, must get tickets for the Garnet Crow tour! The one for next month is already sold out (anyone wants to offer me a ticket?), but they'll have another one in February! 10th Anniversary! I MUST go, no matter what it takes.

Anyway, flumpool are awesome! The members interacted really well, Ryuta was cute as ever <3 and their songs become better and better (frame <3). Plus, they announced an album that will be released exactly two months from today. (Christmas present, anyone?) I wonder if I should go to their next tour as well - there's even a date on my birthday. Who knows when I'll have the chance to see them again?!

So, everyone, check them out at youtube! Buy their new, first full album, "What's flumpool?", on December 23!
Good night!


  1. I miss Japan.Stop by my blog sometime and post on it. Sometimes I wish I was back there. It has been a long time since I lived there. Kiosketei nei.

  2. Ohhhhhhhh I'm so jealous! You *MUST* go to a GC concert, or you'll regret it for life!

  3. I know I must go there! The only problem is getting a ticket... >___<

  4. Flumpool - ichiban? Rock"a"trench - ichiban? The concert must have been very exciting!! I can see why so many girls were there!! Lead signer and drummer, right??!! Hahah. I actually sort of liked flumpool .... but GC would be a lifetime memory. For my birthday I received the Beatles in Mono collection: diferent time - same excitement! Hope you are doing well.

  5. Paul?
    Actually, GC are still my ichiban, of course. But flumpool made their way into the top 3!
    And yeah, the lead singer is super cute! (Did I say that out loud? ^^;)
    The Beatles are probably one of the best bands ever. I should listen to their music more often - haven't done it properly ever since I stopped doing horrible versions of their songs on the piano.
    I'm doing great, thanks! And you?
    Love, Julia
