Sunday, November 29, 2009


Some of you might remember an old post of mine here where I talked about the difference between men's and women's words in Japanese. As I learned a lot of my Japanese from TV dramas, that sometimes use weird dialogues or mark characters as male/female by letting them use explicitly female language (as if the viewers were all blind ^^;), I kinda let some わ or のよ slip from time to time.
So when I was out drinking* with some Japanese people from the German language department (ever tried not to mix Japanese and German after the third drink? xD), I asked them about their opinion on the topic. They confirmed my recent observations: Phrases like わ have become something men use now, whereas women younger than, hm, 40, don't really use those anymore.
This would actually be an interesting topic for a term paper or something like that, wouldn't it?

*For all those who now frown upon me for drinking, let me tell you I drink very rarely, I never drink so much I lose my memory or can't get home anymore, and I used this gathering for research purposes!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Shopping again ^^;

Sorry for posting about shopping so much lately, but I haven't really had time to get out of Tokyo so far due to busy university schedules. (I would have had a long weekend because today is a national holiday, but we never get Mondays off. >___<)
I'll probably travel to Kyoto and Osaka in the Christmas holidays, so bear with me until then! m(_ _)m

Anyway, I went with a classmate (I really like my class now - you know, the one I got put into because the normal class for people from my programme was already full) and she showed me this store called Forever 21. For around 9.000 Yen, I bought a pullover, a knit jacket, a long-sleeved shirt, a T-shirt, a skirt, long pajama pants and a pair of tights. I love this store!
Now I still need a pair of boots to keep my feet from freezing off in the winter that is sure to come - it's already getting cold, and some areas fake a christmasy feeling (without much success, though. ^^;)

Monday, November 2, 2009


Today, I went to a beauty salon and got my hair done.
Cut, treatment and perm - for about 70 Euros (9.000 Yen). Well, it only needs to be redone after half a year, so... It is a hell lot of money, but I worked in saved before I came here, and since I study really hard, I thought I should do myself something good.
Then I got a Shiseido eyeshadow for 1.500 Yen - I think that's quite okay for Shiseido.

And now I' beautiful! xD
Well, at least better than before.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today I went to 早慶戦 - the baseball game between Waseda and Keio university.

As a Waseda student, I wanted to support my university's team, but I ended up going with my friend who's in Keio and who I don't see all that often, so I sat in a Keio seat and ... well, felt a bit awkward. But since I have NO clue about baseball anyway, I couldn't really cheer for a team. ("What's going on now? Is that good or bad?" ^^;)

I couldn't even see half of the game because some stupid cheerleader was blocking my sight. But no one really seemed to watch. Everyone was busy making hand movements or singing the Keio song. ^^;

Anyway, Waseda lost. ^^; 残念だわ。